Showing posts with label RoboRealm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RoboRealm. Show all posts

07 August 2013

Programming Languages Used for SRR

I asked at the SRR Challenge about the languages and vision processing used by each team. Here is what I found:

Team                     Language                       Vision Processing
Intrepid                         C++ / Matlab                                          
Kuukulgur                     C++                                          OpenCV
Mystic                           C++                                          RobotRealm
SpacePride                    RoboRealm state machine          RoboRealm
Survey                           C++, Python                             OpenCV
Middleman                     LabView                                   LabView
UCSC                           C/C++                                      OpenCV
Waterloo                       C++, Python                                            
WPI                              C++                                                             
Wunderkammer             Python                                      ROS vision packages

Here is a rough synopsis of how the teams fared:

Team Intrepid was the first to leave and return to the platform. It thought it picked up the sample but actually did not.

Team Kuukulgur (it means Moon or Lunar Rover), a demonstration team, from Estonia, was the first to pick up the sample but did not make it back to the starting platform. They had the slickest looking robots but then three of the team are mechanical engineers. They brought a swarm of four but one failed so only three took the field.

Team Waterloo, a demonstration team from Canada, also picked up the sample and were the first to return it to the starting platform but the sample was just outside the 1.5 meter square area. It did not hurt them financially since they were a demonstration team and thus ineligible for the NASA money. They did receive $500 from WPI for picking up the sample.

Team Survey won the Phase I competition this year and will take home $6,000 for that effort. ($5,000 from NASA and $1,000 from WPI.)

Team Mystic Lake, myself, did not do that well but I consider it a "building year", to borrow from sports team terminology. Mystic Two traveled the furthest distance of a robot in the SRR to date. It just kept trekking. I proved out much of my code and the ability of my very small rovers to handle the terrain.

SpacePride fielded two rovers but were unable to accomplish much. Their software developer dropped out near the end so they had to scramble to get something working via a state-machine in RoboRealm.

I will update the table if more information becomes available.

Just after I returned from the challenge, an email on a robotics mailing list asked for advice on languages to use for robots. Since I had almost all of the information posted above I put it into a reply and received a nice thanks in return. Hopefully someone will find this interesting.

(Updated UCSC - UC Santa Cruz from comment. Thanks.)
(Updated Middleman aka RoBear from comment. Thanks.)

05 February 2010

RoboRealm Vision Processing - Wrappers Classes

I've been working with RoboRealm over the last week. It is a vision processing application. One of its nice features is being able to access it from another program. You can let it do the heavy lifting of extracting information from a web cam image and then your program just gets a few important data points for analysis.

The module I've been working with is Center of Gravity which locates a blob in the image and reports its size and location. In particular, I'm looking for a red circle.

The interface I've used is the RR_API which is a XML over a socket connection. Reading a single variable is straightforward but reading multiple variables with one request is a lot of detail chasing. I hate chasing details over and over again. That is why they originally created subroutines and, more recently, classes. So I wrote some classes to wrap the read variable routines. I haven't need to write information, yet, so that will wait until needed.

The files are in Google Code.

Individual variables are handled through the RoboRealmVar class and its base class RoboRealmVarBase. The base class is needed to provide an interface for reading multiple variables. More on that below.

RoboRealmVar is a template class to allow for handling different data types. One of the details with th RR interface is all data is returned as a char string so it has to be converted to the correct data type. The class handles that automatically. The header file has instances of the template for int, float, and string. Other types could be added but may need a char* to data type conversion routine. See the string instantiation for how that is done.

Variables are declared by:

rrIntVar mCogX;
rrIntVar mCogBoxSize;
rrIntVar mImageWidth

The examples are all class members, hence the prefix 'm' on their names.

Initialize the variables with the instance of the RR class. In the example mRoboRealm is the instance of RR opened through RR_API:

mCogX("COG_X", mRoboRealm),
mImageWidth("IMAGE_WIDTH", mRoboRealm),
mCogBoxSize("COG_BOX_SIZE", mRoboRealm),

and then read them using an overload of operator():

int cogx = mCogX();

Multiple variables are read using the RoboRealmVars class. Declare it and instantiate it with:

RoboRealmVars mCogVars;

Again, my examples are from inside a class.

Then add the individual variables to the list by:


then read them through:


You can access their values just as shown above through the individual variables.

Hopefully this will be useful to others.

I edited the following on StackOverflow in an attempt for it to pass review so I could answer the question. The question had many comments s...