Showing posts with label fit pc slim. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fit pc slim. Show all posts

03 February 2010

Create Fun with Grandson

Last weekend two grand kids were here. The girl, Dorian, is a teenager. The boy, Kade, is six. Just before Christmas I was working on the Fit PC Slim to iRobot Create interface when they visited. He had his nose up close asking when it would be done. He asked the same thing in another visit since then. I had to reply it was not done but I was working on it.

So this visit I just had to have something working. I got the basic wander and bump into routines working with the Slim - a reproduction of the Create demo 1 behavior. I figured that would be good for about 2 minutes of interest so needed more.

Since this project will be using a web camera for vision I used some velcro to plunk the camera onto the Create just behind the IR sensor. The velcro raised it enough to see over the top of the sensor. I brought up RoboRealm and setup its built-in web page viewer. This lets you see the camera's images. I pointed the laptop at the web pages to display what the Create was seeing.

That was good for about 20 minutes and we got called for lunch and told to put the robot away. Awwww!!!

Next visit is in a couple weeks - they are visiting here pretty regularly now. The goal is to have the Create follow a "leash" - a red dot mounted on the end of a stick. That means getting the software to talk with RR to get information on the center of gravity (COG) of the red dot and send the drive commands to the Create to center and drive toward the dot. It should stop when it gets a little bit away from the dot, and even back up if the dot gets closer.

25 January 2010

Robot Components

Time to explain the components of the robot a bit more. The diagram provides an overview.

The main platform is the iRobot Create. It is an autonmous robot by itself but provides control through a serial port connection using a protocol called the Open Interface (OI). The OI can read the sensors and control the actuators of the Create.

The Fit PC Slim is a compact, low power PC with 3 USB ports and a Wifi, plus the usual PC components. It is powered from the Create through a voltage regulator on the Interface Board (IB). The IB also carries the USB interfaces for the serial port and I2C.

I2C is a standard 2 wire bus for controlling actuators and accessing sensor input. I'm not totally sure what is going to be on the bus. I expect a compass module, at least, to provide orientation. I have sonar and IR distance sensors working on I2C but am not sure which to use. These would be backup for detecting obstacles via vision processing. A main goal is for the robot to move around without bumping into obstacles. I also have a digital I/O board that could be used to provide LED indicators of what the robot is doing.

The reasons for the Wifi on the Slim is to download software and allow monitoring from the desktop or laptop, especially in the field.

RoboRealm (RR)is a software package whose main purpose is vision processing. It also has a lot of robot control capability, including a plug-in for the Create. I decided not to use that plug-in after some issues figuring out exactly how it worked. That may have been a mistake. My other concern was the latency of getting sensor information with it getting collected by RR and then collected from RR by the control program. RR will be used to handle the camera and vision processing.

Shifting Gears - iRobot Create

I'm shifting gears to robotics. Awhile ago I got an iRobot Create. Its basically a Roomba vacuum cleaner with the guts removed to make a cargo area. In this area is a 25-pin connector that provides power, TTL serial port, digital and analog I/O.

I also got a Command Module (CM) which fits onto the connector. The CM is an Atmega 168 processor that adds some additional I/O. It can be programmed to control the Create. I did so and basically reproduced the wandering behavior of the Create. It move around, bumps into things and turns away from what it hit. I added some additional behaviors such as if it got trapped, i.e. caught in the same place for a period of 10 secs, it would move to extract itself.

I want to do more with robots, such as entering in a RoboMagellan contest. That requires an outdoor capable robot that does a lot more than bump into things. A key component to me is vision. Maybe I could do that with the CM and another processor (like the CMUCam) but I really didn't want to learn YAPE (yet another programming environment).

Around the time I got thinking seriously on this I looked at ITX boards. Then the Fit PC computers became available, specifically the Fit PC Slim. The PC form and wireless sold me on trying to us it. The one drawback might be the processor speed when trying to do vision processing. That is acceptable because the Create with the Slim is a testbed for RoboMagellan where an entirely new, slightly larger platform will be used. By going with the PC as the base there are a large number of possibilities, including laptops and netbooks. If the processor is slow for vision the Create simply won't move as quickly or smoothly.

I have the Slim hooked up to the Create, drawing power, and running most of the behaviors previoiusly implemented with the CM. Once I got the basic threading, serial communications, and Create interface working the behaviors started working within minutes since they ported easily from the CM versions. All the code is C++. Threading and serial port routines are all from previous projects so its all come together with a few days work.

I edited the following on StackOverflow in an attempt for it to pass review so I could answer the question. The question had many comments s...