20 July 2009

Sensor - Accelerometer & Magnetics II

A quick update on the code I presented in the previous post.

I'm not greatly experienced in Java having mainly worked with C++ for the last 15 plus years. I did have a company provided seminar on Java and have a half-dozen Java books on the shelf. But I'm still on the learning curve.

In the code I obtained the magnetice, acclerometer, and orientation sensor arrays by simply assigning their values to another array. I then used that array in subsequent calls to onSensorChanged. Not the proper way of doing this. I should have cloned the arrays which makes a copy. For example:

mags = s_ev.values;
isReady = true;

should be:

mags = s_ev.values.clone();
isReady = true;

I found this when I output all the values for the sensors to LogCat each time any one of them was updated. I noticed that the values for the accelerometer changed from its previous value when the orientation sensor was changed.

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